25 September 2008

Digg Attempt 1

I tried Digg yesterday. While I found some interesting bits of information, it felt very crowded with random, useless-to-me content. It was annoying to sift through the flotsam and jetsam of the internet, even though there were gems here and there. While I know that there have been some insightful observations about how this might work in the classroom, I'm not sure that I'm ready to figure yet, let alone teach, a system to filtering all of the vast quantities of information. Besides, if I find something useful, I have to save the link (which I already do) to show that content to the class, because it will be further (perhaps by quite a bit) down the page/site. Digg is still in its early days, so there is time to find uses for it, but I'm not ready to tackle this particular technology in my classroom. I might, however, show it to my Media Lit. students. :-)


Meanwhile, I keep dancing said...

You may find that you prefer Stumble where you can preselect areas of interest. Also, whenever you mark your preference or disdain for an item, the system will improve the picks sent to you.

M. Sheldon said...

Cool! I might need to explore the site a bit more. Thanks!