24 October 2008

YouTube & Censorship

A colleague and I spent some time grumbling this week about YouTube and censorship. While there is a lot of content on YouTube that isn't school appropriate, there is also a lot of content that can supplement learning. However, our system is set up so that no one computer has a consistent IP address (no permanent logins to sites like Google Reader). Therefore, my computer can't be granted access to a site that is otherwise blocked. As an emerging Web 2.0 educator, this frustrates me. However, there are enough other things occupying my time, so I have choosen to not explore solutions.

Until today. Thanks to Dana Swier Huff for posting a solution on her blog! There are free, legitamte ways to access the appropriate material, even without work-access to the blocked site.


Dana Huff said...

Thanks for the shout out! I found another extension that enables you to skip the FLV player because you can download the video in your preferred format: http://www.downloadhelper.net/.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Mrs. S. Youtube is a beneficial tool for everyone. It is easy to use and rarely has problems during use. I think that they should make it so only the innapproiate videos are blocked, by some how knowing what the videos are. This will make it easier on everyone, especially teacherslike you; who want and need to use video in their classes. I hope they can fix this problem in the future.